#farmerfridays: Badman's Bushel Basket

We are so glad you have joined us on such a fine Friday as this! Today we are excited to share about the hard work and dedication of Scott and Debbie Badman, who, for over two decades, have produced some of the biggest blooms, freshest produce, and tastiest jams and jellies around. So read on, dear friend, and get to know Badman's Bushel Basket a bit better.  


SVHC: How long have you been growing your lovely blooms and produce for?  

BBB: I have been in business for 22 years.


SVHC: Growing and nurturing things from the soil takes a lot of hard work and patience, why have you stayed with it this long?

BBB: I am originally a Chef by trade (I went to college in Cobleskill) and worked at Cortland and Cornell Colleges, but when my wife (Debbie) and I started to have childcare issues, I decided to go back to my farming roots. My father had a crop farm in Niles, New York, and although my allergies were so bad as a child that I couldn't be a part of the farm, I always admired the commitment and the result. Work like this was always in my blood--and thankfully, I grew out of those allergies! 


SVHC: What types of things do you grow or sell at the Bushel Basket?

BBB: Our farmstand carries a large variety of offerings--from flowers to vegetables and everything in between. We currently have hanging baskets, perennials, local cheese, syrup, our own popcorn, and 33 varieties of jams and jellies that my wife, Debbie makes. When the growing season arrives we have vegetables of all kinds and sweet corn (our specality!).

SVHC: You have 33 varieties of jams and jellies?! What is your favorite flavor? 

BBB: We have an apple cinnamon one that is pretty tasty, but I would have to say our blueberry lime--the lime brings out the blueberry flavor in such a great way! 


SVHC: What has been your biggest joy as a local grower?

BBB: I love witnessing the overall results--when the weather's right that is! Last year was tough. Every year is different and you learn new things every season.


SVHC: What has been your greatest challenge as a local grower?

BBB: Besides the deer, weather, and not being a spring chicken anymore, I would have to say that being chemical free provides a good challenge. Early on I noticed that if you overuse chemicals, it will stunt the growth in flowers. So I did away with chemicals and rely on dish soap or natural products if needed. This creates bigger and longer lasting blooms, but also requires more patience. I am also seed grown, so I do not use plugs or liners, which is a unique approach. Anytime you do something unique or different you have to be ready to overcome hurdles.


SVHC: If you could tell your community one thing, what would it be?

BBB: Education is my heart and I really enjoy helping the novice gardener, so I guess I would say that I am here to help--stop on by if you have gardening and growing questions!


SVHC: How can the community connect with you to purchase your beautiful hanging baskets, produce, or jams and jellies?

BBB: We have a Facebook site where you can stay up-to-date with what we are up to, but we really love people to show up at the greenhouse to see what we do and check out our offerings. Badman's Bushel Basket is located at 14698 State Route 90, about 5 miles from Homer in Cortland. Debbie and I hope to see you soon!